Unlock your path to prosperity
Trade in stock, commodity and currency. Invest in funds, fixed income, precious metal and more. Track your portfolio.
Cutting edge technology
Performing platforms built with passion and precision to to trade & invest

Tick Funds
Invest online in Mutual Funds and Track your Multi Asset Portfolio from anywhere in the world on a browser or mobile device.
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Choice FinX
Trade online in equity, commodity and currency. Invest in G-Secs, SGB and Corporate Bonds from anywhere in the world on a browser or mobile device.
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Risk Profiling
Persona Assessment to set the right Expectation
Product Suitability
Checkpoint at the time of building portfolio and all instances
Goal Setting & Tracking
You will define goals to not distract later
Sensible Engagement
With you throughout your financial journey

News Letter
Financial Awareness at it's best -
Portfolio Rebalance
Keep your risk return tradeoff in check -
Portfolio Review
Act on time with market and dynamics change -
Customer Feedback
Periodical Action and Satisfaction Survey
Sound Support
You won't regret by choosing us as your prosperity partners
- Reputed Promoters Perfect match of youth and experience in the management team
- Seamless Onboarding Go green. Paperless Process to open a Demat or Invetstment Account with our award winning Induction Process
- Flawless Transaction Process Modern, Reliable & Fast platforms to trade and invest with convenience
- Multiple Support Channels We are experienced & ready to support with full band- width. TAT as per SLA is set for respective Client Categories.
Unlock your prosperity now
Stable platforms, Hybrid Pricing in Trading, 0 fee in Investment and Insurance.
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